The 21st Century Law Firm (continued)
Changes in the Legal Workplace

The Next Generation of Law

Attorneys now entering the workplace have a much different idea of what life as a lawyer ought to be.

Josh Herndon '06 is an associate at Lorber, Greenfield, & Polito, LLP in Poway, Calif. After graduation, Herndon says he looked for a position in a firm that would give him good benefits and a flexible schedule. "My top priority is to see and experience as much of my 2-year-old daughter’s life with my wife as possible," says Herndon. "My career is allowing me to both provide for and spend valuable time with my family, rather than forcing me to choose one or the other."

Attaining a work-life balance is no easy task. At many firms, this can present a predicament for attorneys who want to both scale the law firm ladder and raise a family or simultaneously pursue other personal goals.

Some law firms, however, are recognizing these changing priorities as they hire young attorneys. And while they may not understand this new generation’s way of thinking, some Baby Boomers are bending their deep-rooted rules to keep young employees happy.

"Law offices have been generally unforgiving - 'you either give us your all, or we can't use you' - but many are trying to provide incentives, such as flexible schedules, daycare options, mentoring programs, paternity leave, and part-time employment," says Helmuth.

While today’s lawyers are expecting - and demanding - a more balanced life, the results are not always consistent. Research by National Association for Law Placement (NALP) indicates marriage and children imply significant career sacrifices for women, leaving the competition open to men and giving them significant career advantages.

"There are institutional barriers - I believe, glass ceilings - in the law firm structure that prevent women from achieving positions of leadership in equal proportions to men," says Helmuth. "Law firms have generally been unforgiving relative to these barriers and it hasn't been until now that they have tried to effectively address these issues."
